English theatre in Hof

On Tuesday, January 30 the classes 11a and 11b visited Hof to watch a performance of “1984”. The American Drama Group Europe, whose goal it is to perform high quality theatre in as many countries in the world as possible, staged George Orwell’s classic “1984” with only five actors and many special effects that gave a good impression of what life in a totalitarian society feels like. George Orwell’s classic reminds us of how important personal freedom is and what dangers fascism and totalitarian fantasies can bring.

Some comments from our pupils:

  • The play was pretty good. It reminded me of countries that really exist, but the play made it look even worse to serve as a warning to prevent something like that from happening.
  • I did not sleep as much as I thought, so it was pretty exciting.
  • The acting and singing was really great but the story was hard to understand even if you knew the book before.
  • The actors played well.
  • The idea of playing Big Brother in an ironic way was very good.
  • Sometimes it was a bit scary.
  • It was a great experience that the play was in English.
  • EnglishTheatre


 Kontakt:    Hochfranken-Gymnasium Naila    |    Finkenweg 15    |    95119 Naila    |    Telefon: 09282 9608-0    |    E-Mail:

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